If licenses are managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Open an administrative command prompt. Navigate to the VBR installation folder (default path in the example below): cd C: Program Files Veeam Backup and Replication Backup; Remove the license by running: For versions prior 9.5 Update 4: Veeam.Backup.Manager.exe -removelicense all, vbr, vaw. I received the licenses I recently ordered. For clarity I chose first to merge my existing license files with te new one. The name that came out for the new licensefile was 'veeambackupfulldowngradexxx' (xxx=my # of licenses). XXX = ok, it reflects the correct number. What is worrying me is the 'downgrade'. May 28, 2019 Here you need to browse license file location and select the license file then click on open button. Now you can see i have successfully installed the license in Veeam Backup and Replication Software so just click on close button.

Open Veeam Backup File
What happens here, is it a flaw in the name creation or do I really downgrade my license when I apply the licensefile? Obvious, I am reluctant in applying the license right now..