Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Unique Units

The Rattan Archer is the unique unit of the Vietnamese in Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas. It is an archer with very high pierce armor. Rattan Archers can be upgraded to Elite Rattan. This table show you information about all units in Age of Empires II Definitive Edition. You can sort the units by type, building, name or anything else. Mouse over the header column will you give a description of what the data means.

May 22, 2020

Here is multiplayer guide for Khmer on level Intermediate.

Multiplayer Guide for Khmer


This is a multiplayer guide for Khmer civilization for Intermediate level. My ELO is around 1200 - 1300 so if your rating is higher than that, this guide might not be very useful.
This guide is for land maps only.
Khmer is a very interesting civ because:
  • No dependency for building, or upgrading to the next Age.
  • The Unique Unit: Ballista Elephant is one of the strongest UUs in the game when massed. Its few weaknesses are siege units, cavalier/paladin, huskarl, and elite eagle warrior.
  • Instant farm income.


When the game starts, build 2 houses with your 3 villagers and build more villagers from TC. First 6 villagers to sheep, next 4 to wood, next to boar etc.

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Then it depends on whether the map is open or closed:
  • For open maps, go Drush Fast Castle.
  • For closed maps, just go Fast Castle.

Early Game

  • Build 27 villagers before upgrading to Feudal Age.
  • Upgrade to Castle Age right after reaching Feudal Age.
  • Focus on food initially, then wood/gold when you're upgrading to Feudal Age: around 10 on wood, 5 on gold.
  • Build stable when upgrading to Castle Age.

If Drush
  • Build barrack at around villager 18, get 10 gold and build 3 militia and attack the opponent.
  • In the mean time, fully wall your base: use structures and natural elements when possible, and double wall the rest after the first layer has been done.

Mid Game (Castle Age)

UnitsWhen reaching Castle Age
  • Build 2nd TC.
  • Build some knights and go attacking/harassing.
  • Boom and build an army.
  • Get castles up at key resource points.
  • Possibly build 3rd TC.
  • Strengthen the wall with houses/structures.
  • Upgrade to Imperial Age at around 70 villagers. However, there are cases when an earlier Imperial is required, for example, when the opponent managed to drop some castles close to our base. In those cases, upgrade to Imperial at around 60 villagers.

Army composition
  • Knights, scorpions and monks.

It's better to just harass and/or destroy the opponent's forward base as a full attack on their main base is risky.

Late Game (Imperial Age)

  • Continue building more TCs and villagers.
  • Eco upgrades.

Army composition 1: vs most civs, except native Americans and Goth
  • Ballista Elephant: backbone of the army.
  • Halberdier: to counter Cavalry units, and as meat shield.
  • Hussar: to counter siege units, for raiding, and also act as meat shield and help with countering archery units.
  • Trebuchets for destroying buildings.
  • Monks for healing the Ballista Elephants.

Army composition 2: vs native Americans and Goth
  • Ballista Elephant: backbone of the army.
  • Hand Cannoneer: to counter Eagle Warrior and Huskarl.
  • Skirmisher: for additional ranged support.
  • Hussar: to counter siege units, for raiding, and also act as meat shield and help with countering archery units.
  • Trebuchets for destroying buildings.
  • Monks for healing the Ballista Elephants.
Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Unique Units
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PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

The following list of hotkeys is the ones that come by default with the game.

Go to commands:

CTRL + Q = mill (easy to access, economic building near other non-military buildings (blacksmith and university)

CTRL + W = blacksmith (the following 3 are ordered according their availability through the ages);

CTRL + E = market

CTRL + R = university

CTRL + T = monastery (monastery comes after university as I feel it’s slightly less used)


CTRL + G = mining camp (default, easy to access)

CTRL + Z = lumber camp (default, easy to access)

A = archery (it needed to be only 1 click for extra efficiency when making units;it’s easy to access)

S = stable (same as archery)

D = barracks (same as archery)

H = town center (default and fits with the rest of the setup, it’s easily accessible)

X = siege workshop (same as archery)

V = castle (same as archery)

ç = dock (if you don’t have this key use the one at the right side of L)

Military commands:

= patrol (very easy to access, very commonly used)

Q = aggressive stance (easy to access, logic sequence when looking at the buttons)

W = defensive stance (easy to access, logic sequence when looking at the buttons)

E = stand ground stance (easy to access, logic sequence when looking at the buttons)

R = no attack stance (easy to access, logic sequence when looking at the buttons)

ALT + A = line formation (easy to access, doesn’t need to be pressed multiple times quickly in succession, and if you’re looking at the army then you can keep the ALT key pressed and alternate between A and F when dodging enemy projectiles)

ALT + S = box formation (though not frequently used, it maintains a logical sequence for the other keys)

ALT + D = staggered formation (easy to access, same as ALT + A )

ALT + F = flank formation (easy to access, same as ALT + A)

Build commands:

B + Q = palisade (sometimes we need to quickly build palisades out of a surprise attack by our enemy, needs to be very easily accessed)

B + W = wall (same as palisade, to be near palisade wall)

B + E = outpost (to be near palisade and wall)

B + R = house (easy access)

B + T = mill (easy access, the “T” looks like a windmill)

B + Y = monastery (default, key near university and blacksmith)

B + U = university (default, once-per-game building, key near monastery and blacksmith)

B + I = blacksmith (once-per-game-building, key near university and monastery)

B + F = farm (easily accessible)

B + G = mining camp (default, easy to access)

B + J = archery range (to be near the stable and siege workshop)

B + K = siege workshop (default, near other military buildings, lack of otheroptions)

B + L = stable (default, near other military buildings, lack of other options)

B + B = barracks (default, easy to access)

B + Z = lumber camp (default, easy to access)

B + C = castle (easy to access, starts with same letter)

B + N = town center (default, easy to access)

B + M = market (default, max. only 3-4 markets/game)

B + , = tower (the comma looks like an arrow, reasonable access)

B + . = bombard tower (the point looks like the ball the bombard tower shoots, reasonable access, near the tower)

B+º = dock, the vowel “o” from “dock” is a strong one, hence “º”.


Ordered by the way they appear on the top right (except the objectives window which was switched to be the pause hotkey)

F1 = Pause

F2 = Show Tech tree


F3 = Show Chat dialog

F4 = Show Diplomacy

Other commands:

ALT + Q = economic view (very useful to quickly know how many villagers you have on each resource for a better economic balancing and constant unit production)

Age of empires 2 definitive edition unique units for sale

ALT + W = military view (useful to quickly glance at minimap and see possible idle military units)

ALT + E = normal view

ALT + C = friend or foe colors

ALT + Z = flare (remember the speed with which Zorro made his mark on enemies)

Shift + S = unpack trebuchets (easy to access)

Tab = idle villager (easy to access) (mouse scroll up is secondary button for this for the mass idle villager delete trick)

mouse scroll down = idle military units (easy to access)

F = stop (when a unit is selected)

= ungarrison (easy to access)

G = garrison (easy to access)

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition New Units

F5 = delete (easy to press, but won’t be pressed by mistake).

– = gate (it’s straight like a gate, near towers, lack of better options)

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Unique Units For Sale

Middle mouse button = go to last notification (immediate access)

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Guide

Z = set gather point (useful when hunting deer with villagers in TC so that it doesn’t shoot the deer)

T = attack ground (the easiest to press that was still available, remember T =Target, use this to target manually)

U = Pack (for trebuchets)

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